Customer reviews
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Very good Overall rating 4.1 / 5
  • Overall condition of the property
  • Cleanliness overall
  • On-site customer service / friendliness

Overall result, based on 19 customer ratings

Hendrica v.
Wij waren tevreden over het appartement en over de ligging. Voorzieningen en hygiene prima. Maar parkeren van de auto was problematisch: betaald parkeren aan de straat. Een klein gratis parkeerterreintje in de buurt maar daar werd, uiteraard, veel gebruik van gemaakt. Verder werd tijdens ons verblijf de waterleiding aan de straat gerenoveerd met alle geluidsoverlast van dien (drilboren, graafmachines, werklui). Daar kan de verhuurder niets aan doen maar deed veel afbreuk aan ons verblijfsgenot!
Reviewed on 28 June 2024 / stayed in June 2024
Anne V.
Talo oli tunnelmallinen, charmikas ja sijainti hyvä lähellä rantaa, mukavassa pikku kaupungissa. Merivesi oli lämmin. Talo oli ihana pakopaikka vaikkapa Napolin tai Rooman suurkaupunkien vilinästä. Talo oli hyvin varusteltu ja lähes kaikki jota tarvitsimme löytyi sieltä. Talosta saisi ehkä vieläkin paremman jos sitä vähän pintaremontoisi.
Reviewed on 17 October 2023 / stayed in September 2023
Alex und Melanie B.
The house is very stylishly furnished and bright. We felt very comfortable there.We found everything we needed in the house , except for groceries, which you can easily buy in the supermarket. The owner is very nice. We particularly liked: - The pool in the middle of a beautiful garden. - Lying in the garden - it's very quiet. - If it gets too hot, reading on the spacious couch in the living room (air-conditioned and also mosquito nets everywhere) - Rock in the swingchair and dream away.
Reviewed on 8 October 2023 / stayed in September 2023
Martina S.
Die Unterkunft war sehr unsauber und man musste erstmal sauber machen. Der Besitzer war sehr nett und immer für einen da. Die Möbel sind ziemlich alt und abgewohnt Die Terrasse mit dem Meerblick und auch die Nähe zum Strand waren phantastisch . Allerdings ist der Lärm der Straße sehr störend.

Answer from Interhome

Wir legen großen Wert darauf, unseren Gästen eine saubere und einladende Umgebung zu bieten, und entschuldigen uns, wenn wir dieses Mal nicht Ihren Erwartungen gerecht wurden. Bitte seien Sie versichert, dass der Eigentümer bereit ist, zusätzliche Reinigungsdienste anzubieten, sollte dies erforderlich sein. Es freut uns jedoch zu hören, dass Sie die Hilfsbereitschaft des Eigentümers, die beeindruckende Terrasse und die Nähe zum Strand genossen haben. Vielen Dank für das Feedback und wir hoffen auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen.
Reviewed on 2 October 2023 / stayed in September 2023
Thomas Z.
Sehr angehmer, freundlicher Eigentümer. Ausstattung super. Tolle Lage.
Reviewed on 3 October 2022 / stayed with Extended Family in September 2022
roberta m.
È stata la prima esperienza di casa vacanze e sono stata decisamente fortunata. Un appartamento molto bello, in una bella posizione, arredato con gusto. Molto bello il giardino che ti accoglie in entrata. Inoltre la casa è ben attrezzata e fornita di ogni confort. All'arrivo tutto era perfettamente pulito nonostante la casa fosse stata lasciata solo poche ore prima dai precedenti ospiti. I miei complimenti ai proprietari e a L. e S. dell'agenzia per la gentilezza e la disponibilità.
Reviewed on 26 September 2022 / stayed with Spouse/Partner in September 2022
Herr D.
I would like to start with something: the sea view is really spectacular. - Facilities like the dishwasher were in a bad condition - Power failures happened almost every day - You recognize dirt if you take a closer look - The garage entrance is misconstructed and ruined my bumper

Answer from Interhome

Your review is very important to us as it helps us to improve our services. The cleaning team has been resent to the object to provide a full cleaning, furthermore, the dishwasher has been replaced. As a reminder, we kindly ask our guests to contact us immediately in case of any unexpected issues. We hope to welcome you back in one of our rentals.
Reviewed on 17 September 2022 / stayed with Extended Family in July 2022
Thomas S.
Positiv: der Blick von der Terrasse auf das Meer ist wunderschön und der Vermieter ist sehr sympathisch und war immer ansprechbar. Das Haus ist schon sehr in die Tage gekommen, die Gartenmöbel beängstigend wackelig und der riesige Schirm mit Panzerband repariert. Er fiel auch 2x um. Das Haus liegt an einer sehr verkehrsreichen Straße und die ganze Nacht hört man laut Motorradfahrer aufdrehen, Krankenwagen mit Sirene. Viele Mücken.Wegen Stromausfall konnten wir 2x nicht rein

Answer from Interhome

Es freut uns, Sie informieren zu können, dass die Gartenmöbel sowie der Sonnenschirm zwischenzeitlich ausgetauscht wurden.
Reviewed on 8 August 2022 / stayed with Friends in July 2022
Piotr S.
The greatest advantage of a house is its owner. M. is nice, helpful, polite. The house is impressive. This is a huge mansion with two exits. Through one, you can go out to the street that is located right next to the beach, and through the other, you can go to the main street in Formia. Although the house is in the center, it is quiet in it. Wifi works great. Only drivers of wide cars can have a problem - the entrance to the property is a bit narrow. Our dog was delighted too!
Reviewed on 14 December 2021 / stayed in October 2021
Anja H.
Sehr netter, freundlicher und hilfsbereiter Vermieter.Wunderbares Anwesen mit besonderem Flair.Wir sind Wiederholungstäter und kommen gerne wieder.
Reviewed on 5 November 2021 / stayed with Extended Family in October 2021
Ebner V.
Pro: Lage und Grösse und Terrasse Contra: Sauberkeit und Hygiene. Haus war nicht besonders gepflegt. Altersabnutzung. Wunderschöner grosser Garten leider vernachlässigt
Reviewed on 24 June 2021 / stayed in June 2021
Verena E.
Pro: Lage und Grösse und Terrasse Contra: Sauberkeit und Hygiene. Haus war nicht besonders gepflegt. Altersabnutzung. Wunderschöner grosser Garten leider vernachlässigt
Reviewed on 24 June 2021 / stayed in June 2021
matilda s.
Our swiss sailing team and coach had a great week in Formia. Comfortable house with nice terraces and garden to hang out. Very friendly and helpful host!
Reviewed on 12 April 2021 / stayed with Large Group in April 2021
Louise V.
Une maison differente, magique est très belle. Ainsi pour les enfants, c'était tout très pratique. Nous somme ravis d'avoir pu passer 14 jours à Formia et nous reviendrons avec plaisir l'année prochaine.
Reviewed on 12 October 2020 / stayed with Extended Family in September 2020
maria grazia d.
Casa bella e molto accogliente; atmosfera calda e rilassante. L'arredamento personale e antico (con bei mobili) rende partecipi della "storia" della casa, cosicchè si percepisce la generosità e familiarità dei proprietari, persone squisite, che hanno lascito a disposizione degli ospiti anche buone letture. A pochi metri la spiaggia. Particolarmente piacevole cenare nella bellissima terrazza. Consigliamo vivamente una vacanza.
Reviewed on 4 September 2020 / stayed in August 2020
Fiona M.
Ogni cosa di questa casa è bellissima. La casa, due passi dalla spiaggia, è ariosa e graziosa. I mobili (di grande gusto) raccontano la storia della casa e delle fortunate persone che ci vivono. Ci sono un orto e un grande giardino. Dalla casa, dal giardino, dalla terrazza c'è sempre la vista del mare e del spettacolare Golfo di Gaeta. E poi gli ospiti sono squisiti.
Reviewed on 26 August 2020 / stayed with Friends in August 2020
Marco d.
Posizione ottimale. Terrazzo splendido con vista mare. Giardino stile Jumanji da curare un po' di più. Interni spaziosi con aria condizionata. Magari il mobilio sarebbe da "svecchiare" un po'... Assolutamente invece da fare: l'ingresso macchine da ampliare !! Nel complesso il giudizio è positivo! Il padrone di casa disponibilissimo, gentile e, cosa che per me ha un valore immenso, un vero signore.
Reviewed on 25 August 2020 / stayed with Teenagers in August 2020
maurizio m.
la casa è molto bella e funzionale, con spazi esterni godibilissimi e con una posizione di vicinanza alla spiaggia che la rende fantastica specialmente per chi ha bambini. Il proprietario è gentilissimo e disponibile per qualsiasi richiesta
Reviewed on 3 August 2020 / stayed with Young Children in July 2020
Ewelina M.
Very close to beach, cities Formia and Gaeta are very nice. House equipped with all needed facilities with nice old style furnitures. Two sunshine terracess, one big shaded by the tree- perfect place for breakfast or cup of coffee. Orchard with the oranges and lemons. One of the most important thing is the owner, very pleasant and helpfull. The only thing that disturb a little bit is that house can be more clean.
Reviewed on 12 November 2019 / stayed with Extended Family in October 2019

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